Saturday, February 21, 2015

New version of PlexFit (both Android version and Pebble version) has been released

Hi guys,
Sorry for the wait but the new updates to fix that dreaded syncing issues many of you have reported are finally here. I have released version 1.1.0 of the Android PlexFit app and version 1.5 of the PlexFit Pebble App to the Google Play Store and Pebble App Store respectively.

Here are a full lists of fixes and changes in Android PlexFit App (version 1.1.0):

  • Background syncing mechanism was completely rewritten
  • Added manual syncing (using pull to refresh). Don't worry you will be greeted with a tutorial to get started
  • Added option to manually restore past license purchase for users who previously bought the app but have to uninstall to get rids of issues.
  • Added version syncing to allow Android app to show the PlexFit version on the Pebble
  • Added new UI elements to show how much battery is left and reminder to charge when the battery is low
  • Fix a bug with the UI causing the alignment to be off when users exceed 10000 steps
  • Other UI refinement. 
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix crash when user connect/disconnect Pebble
    • Fix crash when user closes the app
    • Other bug fixes caused by the previous syncing codes have been fixed 

Here are a full lists of fixes and changes in the Pebble PlexFit App (version 1.5):

  • Completely rewrote the syncing functions
  • Added more messages to be sent to the PlexFit Android app (battery level and version)
  • Fix a UI bug causing the step count to be cut off when users go beyond 10000 steps
I have uploaded both version but Google Play Store will take sometime to update, version 1.5 is already live on Pebble App Store. You can get them here:

Finally, I would like to use this chance to thank everyone who have sent me feedback and report bugs. Those were very helpful and critical in helping me iron out all the bugs. Without you, I probably would have never found them. Thank you for all your encouragement, your support and your empathy while I was struggling to debug this app. I hope that this release will finally give you the chance to enjoy the app and let me focus on adding more features next: sleep tracking, biking and running support.


  1. Some Pebble has their accelerometer calibration out of whack and right now Pebble doesn't have any calibration software to fix this issue. Calibration and user-customized sensitivity will come in the next update to address this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  2. Some Pebble has their accelerometer calibration out of whack and right now Pebble doesn't have any calibration software to fix this issue. Calibration and user-customized sensitivity will come in the next update to address this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
